Exposing ‘La Señorita’: Astonishing Unearthing of Mythology and Children’s Immunity in Lima’s Enigmatic Puruchuco-Huacaqueorneness Rite.

Unv?ilin? ‘L? S?ñ??it?’: Ast??n?in? Disc?v??? ?? M?th?? ?n? Chil? Inc? M?mm? ???m Lim?’s Eni?m?tic P???ch?c?-H???????n?s C?m?t??? ‎

In th? ???lm ?? ??ch???l??ic?l w?n???s, th? st??? ?? Inc? m?mmi?s c?ntin??s t? c??tiv?t? ??s???ch??s ?n? ?nth?si?sts ?lik?. Th?s? ??m??k??l? ???s??v?? ???i?s ????? ? ?ni??? ?lim?s? int? th? ??st, ?ll?wіп? ?s t? ?n??v?l th? m?st??i?s ?? Inc? civiliz?ti?n ?n? th?i? ??scin?tin? m?mmi?ic?ti?n ???ctic?s.

M?mmi?ic?ti?n, ?n int?ic?t? ???c?ss, inv?lv?s th? ???s??v?ti?n ?? tiss??s ??t?? ???th th????h ?xt??m? ??sicc?ti?n, ??t?n ??v???? in ??? clim?t?s. On? ?? th? m?st st?ikin? ???t???s ?? Inc? m?mmi?s is th?i? ???chm?nt-lik? skin, which ??lic?t?l? ?nv?l???s th? ??n?s. Th? h?i?, ?s s??n in th?s? m?mmi?s, is ???tic?l??l? w?ll-???s??v??, s??vin? ?s ? t?st?m?nt t? th? ??tist?? ?n? skill ?? th? ?nci?nt ?m??lm??s.

Am?n? th? int?i??in? ?in?s is th? ??m?l? Inc? m?mm? ????cti?n?t?l? kn?wn ?s “L? S?ñ??it?.” Sh? w?s ?isc?v???? ?l?n?si?? h?? chil?, ? ??i?n?nt ??min??? ?? th? ??mil? ??n?s th?t t??nsc?n??? tіm?. Th?i? ???i?l sit? is within th? v?st Inc? c?m?t??? ?? P???ch?c?-H???????n?s, sit??t?? ?n th? ??tski?ts ?? Lim?, P???.

Th? sit? h?s ?n?????n? m?lti?l? ?xc?v?ti?ns sinc? 1999, ?n???thin? ? t??v? ?? w?ll-???s??v?? m?mmi?s th?t h?v? ?n?ich?? ??? ?n???st?n?in? ?? Inc? s?ci?t?. Th?s? ???-His??nic ????l? ?nc? ??l?? ? s???wlin? ?m?i?? ?c??ss th? An???n ???i?ns ?? n??th??n S??th Am??ic? ???in? th? 15th ?n? 16th c?nt??i?s.

Th? m?tic?l??s ??s???ch c?n??ct?? ?n th?s? Inc? m?mmi?s h?s ??v??l?? n?t ?nl? th?i? ?h?sic?l ?tt?i??t?s ??t ?ls? th?i? c?lt???l si?ni?ic?nc?. E?ch ?isc?v??? ?????s n?w cl??s ????t Inc? ???i?l ?it??ls, s?ci?t?l st??ct???s, ?n? th? ??il? liv?s ?? th?s? ?nci?nt ????l?.

As ??s???ch??s c?ntin?? t? ??lv? int? th? s?c??ts hi???n within th?s? m?mmi?i?? ??m?ins, th? st??? ?? th? Inc? civiliz?ti?n ?n??l?s ?????? ??? ???s, ??min?in? ?s ?? th? ?ich t???st?? ?? hist??? w?itin? t? ?? ?n??v?l??. With ??ch ??v?l?ti?n, w? ???w cl?s?? t? ?n???st?n?in? th? ?ni?m?tic w??l? ?? th? Inc? ?n? th? ??t ?? m?mmi?ic?ti?n th?t h?s ???s??v?? th?i? l???c? ??? c?nt??i?s.