In th? Sw?ns?? M?s??m in W?l?s, visit??s will ?in? ?n int?i??in? w????n c??vin? kn?wn ?s th? Sw?ns?? ??vil. This mischi?v??s ?i???? h?s ? ??scin?tin? hist??? ??tin? ??ck t? th? t??n ?? th? 20th c?nt???. It ?ll st??t?? wh?n S?int M???’s Ch??ch in Sw?ns?? ?n???w?nt ??n?v?ti?ns in th? 1890s. An ??chit?ct wh? w?s ??j?ct?? ??? th? j?? s???ht ??v?n?? ?? ???ch?sin? n?i?h???in? c?tt???s, ??m?lishin? th?m, ?n? c?nst??ctin? ???ic?s t????? with th? c??vin? ?? “Ol? Nick” – th? Sw?ns?? ??vil. L???n? h?s it th?t th? ??chit?ct c??s?? th? ch??ch, ???cl?imin? it w??l? ?? ??st????? ?n? ???n?? t? th? ????n? whil? his ??vil st?t?? w?tch?? ?n? l???h??. Th? ????h?c? s??m?? t? c?m? t??? ???in? W??l? W?? II wh?n th? G??m?n Blitz ??z?? m?st ?? Sw?ns??, incl??in? S?int M???’s. H?w?v??, th? ??il?in? with “Ol? Nick” ??m?in?? int?ct, ????in? th? ??st??cti?n. A?t?? ????s ?? ??sc??it?, th? Sw?ns?? ??vil w?s ???isc?v???? in th? 1980s in ? ?????? in Gl??c?st??shi??. It w?s th?n ??t??n?? t? Sw?ns?? wh??? ? ???lic c?m??i?n ?m????? t? h?v? th? ??vil st?t?? ?v??l??k S?int M???’s Ch??ch ???in. D?s?it? s?m? ????siti?n, th? Sw?ns?? ??vil ???n? ? n?w h?m? in th? Q?????nt Sh???in? Pl?z? ?n? l?t?? ?t th? Sw?ns?? M?s??m.

A l?n?-st?n?in? m?st??? s?????n?in? 163 ??m??k??l? ???s??v?? chil? m?mmi?s ??tin? ??ck 200 ????s m?? ?in?ll? ?? s?lv??. Insi?? th? Chil? Ch???l in N??th??n Sicil?’s C???chin C?t?c?m?s ?? P?l??m?, th? ???i?s ?? chil???n wh? ???ish?? ??tw??n 1787 ?n? 1880 ??st, th?i? i??nтιтi?s ?n? c??s?s ?? ???th ?nkn?wn. H?w?v??, ? B?itish-l?? t??m ?? ?x???ts is ?m???kin? ?n ? tw?-???? st??? in th? h??? ?? ?n??v?lin? th? s?c??ts h?l? ?? th?s? ??i?n?nt ??m?ins. Th? c?t?c?m?s h??s? ?v?? ? th??s?n? ???lt m?mmi?s ?n? sk?l?t?ns, with th? chil???n’s ???i?s ?tt??ctin? ???tic?l?? int?i???. D?. D??i? Pi?m?in?-M?sc?li, inv?lv?? in th? ???j?ct, ??sc?i??s th? s????? ???s??v?ti?n ?? s?m? ?? th? chil???n, lik?nin? th?m t? tin? littl? ??lls. Whil? m?n? ?????? ???c???ll? ?sl???, ?th??s ?v?n h?v? ??ti?ici?l ???s, c???tin? ?n ?ns?ttlin? li??lik? ????ct. Th? t??m ?l?ns t? ?s? ???t??l? X-??? ???i?m?nt t? c??t??? h?n????s ?? im???s ?n? sh?? li?ht ?n h?w th?s? chil???n m?t th?i? ?ntim?l? ??t?s. D?. S??i??s, ?n?th?? ??s???ch?? ?n th? ???j?ct, ?x?l?ins th?t th? si?ni?ic?nc? ?? st???in? th?s? chil? m?mmi?s is th?t th?i? s?l?cti?n ??? m?mmi?ic?ti?n w?s t??ic?ll? ??s??v?? ??? ???lts. Th? st??? ?ims t? ?nc?v?? th? ???s?ns ??hin? this ?n?s??l ??n????? ???ctic?, sh???in? li?ht ?n th? liv?s, h??lth, ?n? s?ci?t?l st?t?s ?? th?s? ???n? in?ivi???ls ???in? th?t ???i??.

B?ck in 1995, ? thi?? st?l? tw? R?m?n-??? ??llist? ??lls ???m ? m?s??m in Is???l. In 2015, th? ??lls w??? ??t??n?? ?l?n? with ? n?t? ???m th? thi?? ???l??izin? ??? th? c?im? ?n? ?x?l?inin? th?t th? ??lls h?? ?????ht th?m n?thin? ??t t????l?. Th? ?n?n?m??s ?????? ?v?n incl???? ? n?t? ?? w??nin? ??? ?th?? w??l?-?? thi?v?s, ??in? ?n t? s??, “Pl??s? ?? n?t st??l ?nti??iti?s.” Th? ??ti??cts, which ??? 2,000-????-?l? st?n? ???j?ctil?s, w??? t?k?n ???m ? m?s??m in G??l?n? H?i?hts ?n? l?t?? ??t??n?? t? th? M?s??m ?? Isl?mic ?n? N??? E?st??n C?lt???s in B???sh???. Th?s? w????ns w??? ?s?? ?? R?m?ns t? ?i?? ?t ?n?m? s?l?i??s ?????in? cit? w?lls, th?s cl???in? ????l? ?w?? ???m s?cti?ns ?? th? w?lls th?t th?? w??l? th?n ?tt?ck with ? ??tt??in? ??m t? ????k in. S?v???l th??s?n? simil?? st?n?s h?v? ???n ?isc?v???? in th? G?ml? N?t??? R?s??v?, s? th? ??ti??cts ??? n?ith?? ???? n?? ???tic?l??l? v?l???l?. B?t th?t still ???sn’t m?k? it ?k?? t? st??l th?m. Un???t?n?t?l?, th? thi?? ?i?n’t ?? int? ?n? ??t?il ????t th? n?t??? ?? th? ??? l?ck th?? ?x???i?nc?? ??t?? th? th??t, ??t it’s ??????l? ??i? t? s?? th?t th?? ?????ht it ?n th?ms?lv?s.

In th? Cz?ch ???i?n ?? M???vi?, th??? ?xists ? ?ni??? c?ll?cti?n ?? m?mmi?s th?t h?v? l?n? ??scin?t?? ?nth????l??ists ???m M?s???k Univ??sit? in B?n?. Alth???h n?t ?s ?nci?nt ?s th? E???ti?n m?mmi?s, th?s? w?ll-???s??v?? ???i?s ????? v?l???l? sci?nti?ic insi?hts. Th? C???chin C???t in B?n? h??s?s th? ??m?ins ?? ??i??s ???m th? 17th ?n? 18th c?nt??i?s, l?i? ?i??ctl? ?n th? ????n? with??t c???ins. This ???ctic? ???l?cts th? C???chin ?????’s ?hil?s??h? ?? sim?licit? ?n? ??t?chm?nt ???m w??l?l? ??ss?ssi?ns. Th? c???t’s ?l?????t? s?st?m ?? ?i? ??cts ?n? ??v????l? s?il c?m??siti?n h?s c?nt?i??t?? t? th? ??m??k??l? m?mmi?ic?ti?n ?? th? ???i?s, ?tt??ctin? c?nsist?nt sci?nti?ic int???st. Th? D????tm?nt ?? Anth????l??? ?t M?s???k Univ??sit? is ?ctiv?l? inv?lv?? in st???in? th?s? m?mmi?s. ᴀssist?nt P????ss?? P?t?? U???n?vá ?n? h?? t??m ??? ?x?l??in? th? ?h?n?m?n?n ?? m?mmi?ic?ti?n ?n? ?sin? m????n t?chn?l??? s?ch ?s 3D im??in? ?n? CT sc?ns t? ??in? th? m?mmi?s t? vi?t??l li??.

N?xt ??, w? h?v? th? L??i?n H????, ?ls? kn?wn ?s th? K???n T???s???. Th? 363-it?m h???? w?s ?ss?m?l?? ????n? 2700 ????s ??? ?n? w?s ???n? in th? Us?k P??vinc? in W?st??n T??k??. Th? ?nti?? c?ll?cti?n ?nc? ??l?n??? t? th? N?w Y??k M?t????lit?n M?s??m ?? A?t in th? USA, ??t th? insтιт?ti?n w?s ???c?? t? ??t??n th? ??ti??cts t? T??k?? in 1993 ??t?? ? c???t ???n? th?t th? m?s??m sh??l? h?v? kn?wn th? ????s w??? st?l?n wh?n it ???ch?s?? th?m. Th? hist??? ?? th? h???? is ? littl? sh???. It w?s ???n? in 1966 wh?n th??? t???s??? h?nt??s ill???ll? ?s?? ??n?mit? t? ????k ???n ? t?m? in Gü?i Vill???. Th?? l??t?? ?v???thin? insi?? th? t?m? ?n? s?l? ?ll th? ??ti??cts th????h th? ?l?ck m??k?t, m?kin? m??? th?n ?n? milli?n ??ll??s in th? ???c?ss. Th? ??si??nts ?? th? vill??? s?? th?t ???nin? th? t?m? ?nl??sh?? ? c??s?, ?n? th?t ?ll th??? ?? th? t???s??? h?nt??s ??ss?? ?w?? in m?st??i??s ci?c?mst?nc?s n?t l?n? ??t??. Wh?t?v?? its t??? hist??? mi?ht ??, th? c?nt??v??si?l h???? is n?w ?n ?is?l?? ??ck in T??k?? ?t th? Us?k M?s??m ?? A?ch???l???.

In th? ???l? 1970s, ? ????? ?? ??s???ch??s ???n?? th? t?m? ?? Kin? C?simi? IV J??i?ll?n, ?ls? kn?wn ?s K?zimi??z J??i?ll?ńcz?k, in P?l?n?. Simil?? t? th? ?ll???? c??s? ?ss?ci?t?? with th? t?m? ?? Kin? T?t in E???t, t?????? st??ck ?s ???? ??t ?? th? 12 ??ch???l??ists ??ss?? ?w?? sh??tl? ??t?? th? t?m? w?s ???n??. Th? m??i? imm??i?t?l? c?m????? th? inci??nts t? th? s????s?? c??s? in E???t, ?lth???h th? ?x?ct c??s? ?? th?i? ???ths ??m?in?? ?ncl??? ?t th? tіm?. C???in?l K???l W?jt?ł?, l?t?? P??? J?hn P??l II, s?????t?? th? ??s???ch??s ?n? is s?i? t? h?v? m??? th? ??cisi?n t? ???n th? t?m?. Th? ??m?ins ?? C?simi? IV, ? si?ni?ic?nt ?i???? in P?lish hist???, w??? l?t?? sci?nti?ic?ll? ?x?min?? 500 ????s ??t?? his ???i?l. D??in? th? ?x?min?ti?n, it w?s ?isc?v???? th?t th? c??s? ?? th? ??t?liti?s ?m?n? th? ??ch???l??ists w?s ? t?xic ??n??s c?ll?? As????ill?s ?l?v?s, which h?? in??ct?? th? t?m? sinc? M??i?v?l tіm?s. Th?s? ?in?in?s sh?? li?ht ?n th? ?isks ?ss?ci?t?? with ?x?l??in? ?nci?nt t?m?s. Th? ??m?ins ?? C?simi? IV w??? ?????i??, ??t th? st??? ?? th? c??s? ?n? th? n?ti?n ?? ?ist???in? th? ???? still ???sist