Exрɩoгіпɡ tһe Eпіɡmаtіс Iпtіmасіeѕ of Օttomап Emрігe NoЬіɩіtу: Uпⱱeіɩіпɡ Tһeіг Տe.xᴜ.аɩ Hіѕtoгіeѕ

Dating back 200 years, the newly discovered manuscript provides insight into the sex lives of the Ottoman nobility.

The manuscript consists of 209 pages, including 85 drawings depicting the orgies of a man, probably also of the “player” form of the Ottoman Empire.

The man mentioned in the book has not been identified. However, based on the characteristics of the clothes, it can be confirmed that this person is a member of the Royal Family.

In addition, this man was probably extremely wealthy and influential in the court because his blue and white turbans reveal himself as one of the rulers of the kingdom.

The title of this book is: Shaykh remembers his youth (Shaykh is a respectful way of calling noble figures). Experts guess that the book was published to share with friends of the main character. The book is about to be auctioned in London (UK) and is expected to sell for about $ 500,000.

Throughout the above ancient book are images or words that describe the main character’s love affairs, both with the opposite sex and of the same sex.

The “fun” of the main character in the book takes place in many different locations such as in a sauna, in a bakery, by a grave and herd debauchery.

The book also describes in detail the use of sex toys by women at that time. This shows that the authors and artists who wrote the book are quite open-minded about sex.