Exploring Textron Systems’ COMMANDO Family of Vehicles Lineup (VIDEO)

In 2015 T?xt??n S?st?ms ?????n??? th? M1117 ?s th? COMMANDO ??mil? ?? v?hicl?s, ??in?in? ??ck th? n?m? ?? th? v?hicl? ???m which th? M1117 w?s ???iv??. Th? M1117 G????i?n, ?ls? ??n?t?? ?s th? A?m???? S?c??it? V?hicl? (ASV), is ?n int??n?l s?c??it? v?hicl? ??s?? ?n th? V-100 ?n? V-150 C?mm?n?? s??i?s ?? ??m???? c??s.

It w?s ??v?l???? in th? l?t? 1990s ??? s??vic? with th? Unit?? St?t?s Milit??? P?lic? C???s. Th? ?i?st ???t?t???s ???????? in F??????? 1997 ?n? s??i?l ?????cti?n ?? th? M1117 c?mm?nc?? ??tw??n 1999 ?n? ???l? 2000. Ri?????sl? t?st?? ?n? ???v?n in th? t???h?st ?nvi??nm?nts, th? COMMANDO ??mil? ?? v?hicl?s ?????s ? ??n?? ?? ???t?cti?n ?? t? ?n? ?xc???in? MRAP l?v?l, ?nm?tch?? ?n-????/???-???? m??ilit? ?n? ?m?l? ?i????w??. T?xt??n S?st?ms ?????s th??? lin?s ?? COMMANDO ????-wh??l?? ??m???? v?hicl?s – COMMANDO A?v?nc??, COMMANDO S?l?ct ?n? COMMANDO Elit?.

T?xt??n S?st?ms COMMANDO A?v?nc??

COMMANDO A?v?nc?? ??m???? v?hicl?s ??? c?m??t ???v?n ?v?? 10 ????s, ?n? ??? ???iv?? ???m A?m???? S?c??it? V?hicl?s ?s?? ?? th? U.S. A?m? ?n? ?th?? milit??i?s in l?c?ti?ns incl??in? A??h?nist?n, I??? ?n? C?l?m?i?. All COMMANDO A?v?nc?? ??m???? v?hicl? v??i?nts ????? ?xc?ll?nt ?n-???? ?n? ???-???? m??ilit? ?n??lin? th?m t? ?????t? in ????n, j?n?l?, ??s??t ?n? m??nt?in??s t????in. C??w ???t?cti?n is ??in???c?? with ? V-sh???? h?ll ??tt?m ?n? 360-?????? ???t?cti?n ???m ?i??ct ?i??.

T?xt??n S?st?ms COMMANDO S?l?ct

COMMANDO S?l?ct ??m???? ???s?nn?l c???i??s incl??? v??i?nts th?t c?n c???? ?? t? 10 ?cc???nts, ?n? ????? ?n ?nh?nc?? c?m?in?ti?n ?? l?th?lit?, s??viv??ilit?, m??ilit? ?n? s?st?in??ilit?. MRAP-l?v?l 1 c??w ???t?cti?n is ??ilt int? ?ll COMMANDO S?l?ct v?hicl?s. G???t?? s??viv??ilit?, h?w?v??, ???sn’t c?m? ?t th? ?x??ns? ?? m??ilit?. Th?s? v?hicl?s ??liv?? ????t?? m??ilit? th?n ?th?? simil?? MRAP-t??? ??m???? v?hicl?s ?n th? m??k?t. M??? th?n 440 COMMANDO S?l?ct v?hicl?s ??? c????ntl? ??in? ??ilt ?n? ?i?l???, ?n??? th? n?m? M??il? St?ik? F??c? V?hicl?s, ??? th? A??h?nist?n N?ti?n?l A?m?. Th? T?xt??n C?mm?n?? S?l?ct is ?n ??m????? v?hicl? ???s?nn?l c???i?? ????? ?n ?nh?nc?? c?m?in?ti?n ?? l?th?lit?, s??viv??ilit?, m??ilit? ?n? s?st?in??ilit?.

T?xt??n S?st?ms COMMANDO Elit?

Th? COMMANDO Elit? lin? ???t???s T?xt??n S?st?ms m?st hi?hl?-???t?ct?? ?n? c????l? ??m???? v?hicl?s. Th?s? v?hicl?s ???t??? ? ?i?it?l ??ck??n?, ???vi?? MRAP-l?v?l 2 min?-?l?st ???t?cti?n, ?n? ??liv?? l?th?lit? th????h m?lti?l? s?ns??s ?n? w????ns ??ti?ns. COMMANDO Elit? v?hicl?s c?m? ???i???? with ??iv? t??in ?nh?nc?m?nts th?t m?k? th?m ??st ?n? hi?hl? m?n??v????l? in ? wi?? ??n?? ?? ?nvi??nm?nts. Th? C?n??i?n F??c?s ???li?? this ???? c?nt??ct?? ??? 500 ?? th?s? v?hicl?s ??? its T?ctic?l A?m???? P?t??l V?hicl? ??????m. Th? Unit?? A??? Emi??t?s ?ls? is c?nsi???in? th? COMMANDO Elit? ??? ?s? ?? its P??si??nti?l G????.

T?xt??n S?st?ms COMMANDO F?mil? ?? V?hicl?s

Sh??? this:F?c????kR???itPint???stTwitt??Link??InR?l?t?? ??sts:G??m?n? Li?ts Em????? ?n VBTP-MR G????ni C?m??n?nts ??? Phili??in? A?m?D?n?mit N???l D???nc? Aw????? C???ti?n A?m?? F??c?s t? P??c??? RGW90 Anti-t?nk W????nsR?k? Aw????? GBP40 Milli?n B?itish A?m? C?nt??ct ??? N?xt Ph?s? ?? P??j?ct ZODIACMil??m R???tics’ Unv?ils TH?MIS O?s??v? Int?lli??nc? S??v?ill?nc? ?n? R?c?nn?iss?nc? UGVP?t?i? D?liv??s Fi?st ?? 76 AMV XP A?m????? M???l?? V?hicl?s t? Sl?v?ki?O?i?nt Shi?l? 23 Ex??cis? Enh?nc?s US A?m? ?n? J???n G???n? S?l?-D???ns? F??c? R???in?ssEl?it S?st?ms Aw????? $115 Milli?n C?nt??ct t? S???l? 120mm T?nk Amm?niti?nAADS Aw????? $66 Milli?n US D????tm?nt ?? D???ns? C?nt??ct ??? J8 J??? T?ctic?l V?hicl?sR?st?c D?liv??s N?w A-50U Ai????n? E??l? W??nin? ?n? C?nt??l Ai?c???t t? R?ssi?n Ai? F??c?s“ARGO 2023” Ex??cis? M??ks C??ci?l Mil?st?n? in It?li?n A?m?’s En?in???s B?i???? P???????n?ssUS A?m? S?l?cts F??? C?m??ni?s ??? R???tic C?m??t V?hicl? (RCV) Pl?t???m P??t?t???sN?xt?? Sh?wc?s?s A?v?nc?? A??lic?ti?ns ?? An?l?-F??nch 40CTA S?st?m ?t DSEI 2023PT ріп??? t? D?liv?? 18 H??im?? (K??l?n MT) M??i?m T?nks t? In??n?si?n A?m?R???l Th?i A?m? S?cc?ss??ll? T?sts P??t?t??? CS/AH2 105mm Li?ht T?w?? H?witz??N?w D?n?mit N???l D???nc? (DND) M?n???ct??in? C?m?l?x In??????t??Mil??m R???tics’ Unv?ils TH?MIS C?m??t Unm?nn?? G???n? V?hicl? with L?it??in? M?niti?ns