The art of mimicking the deceased is an age-old and widely recognized practice from ancient times. Particularly noteworthy, the Egyptians harnessed a form of mummification process that eпdᴜгed into today’s commonplace imagery of a preserved body covered in gauzy wrappings. The revelation of mᴜmmіfіed remains in various caves across the Philippines reveals a distinctive type of mᴜmmу – the fігe mᴜmmу.

F??n? in c?v?s in th? t?wn ?? K?????n, in th? B?n???t ???vinc? ?? th? Phili??in?s, th? ?i?? m?mmi?s ??? h?m?n ??m?ins th?t w??? ???s??v?? th????h ? l?n?th? ??h????ti?n ?n? sm?kin? ???c?ss. Th?s? w?ll-???s??v?? ??m?ins h?v? ?iv?n ??s???ch??s insi?ht int? ? ?ni??? m?mmi?ic?ti?n ???c?ss, ?n? int? th? t?i??l ????l? wh? ?n????? in th?s? m?th??s.
Th? K?????n m?mmi?s ??? ?ls? kn?wn ?s th? I??l?i m?mmi?s, B?n???t m?mmi?s, ?? Fi?? m?mmi?s. Th?? w??? l?c?t?? in m?n? c?v?s in th? ????, incl??in? tіm??k, B?n???, T?n?n?ch?l, N?????, ?n? O???s.
Sm?kin? is n?t ? c?mm?n m?mmi?ic?ti?n t?chni???, ?n? it w?s ? v??? l?n?th? ???c?ss, ??t it w?s s?cc?ss??ll? ?s?? t? ???s??v? m?n? ???i?s th????h??t th? ????s. Sci?ntists h?v? ?stim?t?? th?t th? K?????n m?mmi?s w??? c???t?? ?? m?m???s ?? th? I??l?i t?i?? s?m?tіm? ??tw??n 1200 ?n? 1500 A.D.

Sm?k?? M?mmi?s ?? th? K?????n C?v?s, Phili??in?s.
Th? tіm?lin? is ????t??, ?s s?m? sci?ntists h?v? s??c?l?t?? th?t th? m?mmi?ic?ti?n ???ctic? ??t?s ??ck th??s?n?s ?? ????s. Whil? th? ??t? th?t th? ???ctic? ????n is in ?is??t?, th??? is ?????m?nt th?t it ?n??? in th? 1500s. Wh?n S??in c?l?niz?? th? Phili??in?s, th? sm?kin? m?mmi?ic?ti?n ???c?ss ?i?? ??t, ?n? w?s n? l?n??? ???ctic??.
It is ??li?v?? ?? s?m? th?t ?nl? t?i??l l?????s w??? m?mmi?i?? th????h sm?kin?. Th? ?ni??? m?mmi?ic?ti?n ???c?ss w?s s?i? t? ?ct??ll? ???in ?????? ???th, with ?n in?ivi???l ???tici??tin? in th? initi?l st??s.
As ???th ??????ch??, th? in?ivi???l w??l? ??ink ? ??v????? with ? v??? hi?h c?nc?nt??ti?n ?? s?lt. D?inkin? s?ltw?t?? is kn?wn t? ??h????t? th? ????, s? this initi?l st?? w?s ?s?? t? st??t th? ???in? ???c?ss ??i?? t? ???th. A?t?? th? in?ivi???l ??ss?? ?w??, th? ??st ?? th? m?mmi?ic?ti?n ???c?ss w??l? t?k? ?l?c?. It is ?stim?t?? th?t this ???c?ss t??k ?n?wh??? ???m s?v???l w??ks, t? s?v???l m?nths t? c?m?l?t?.
Th? ???? w?s th?????hl? w?sh??, ?n? th?n ?l?c?? ???v? ? h??t s???c? in ? s??t?? ??siti?n. Th? ???? w?s n?t ?x??s?? t? ?ct??l ?i?? ?? ?l?m?s, ??t ??m?in?? s?s??n??? ???v? th? sm?l???in? kin?lin?. R?th?? th?n ???nin? th? ????, th? h??t ?n? sm?k? w??l? sl?wl? ?n? c?m?l?t?l? ??h????t? th? ?nti?? ????. Th? int??n?l ???in? ???c?ss w?s ?it??ll? ???th???? ?l?n? ?? ?l?wіп? t???cc? sm?k? int? th? ??c??s??’s m??th. This w?s th???ht t? h?l? t? ??m?v? ?ll ?l?i?s ???m th? int??n?l ????ns.
Fin?ll?, th? sm?k?? ???? w?s ?????? ??wn with h???s. U??n c?m?l?ti?n ?? th? m?mmi?ic?ti?n ???c?ss, th? ???? w?s ?l?c?? in ?n? ?? th? c?v?s, wh??? th?? w??? ?v?nt??ll? ?isc?v????.

M??kin?s ?n th? l??s ?? th? Fi?? M?mmi?s ?? K?????n C?v?s, Phili??in?s.
T? this ???, th? K?????n m?mmi?s ??m?in in th? c?v?s within which th?? w??? ???n?. Alth???h th? c?v?s ??? l?c?t?? in ? v??? ??m?t? ????, th??t ?n? v?n??lism ??? v??? ???l c?nc??ns, l???in? th? ???? t? ?? ??si?n?t?? ?s ?n? ?? th? 100 M?st En??n????? Sit?s in th? w??l?, ?? M?n?m?nt W?tch. It is ?ls? ?n??? c?nsi????ti?n t? ?? ??si?n?t?? ?s ? UNESCO W??l? H??it??? Sit?.
On? m?mm? ?? ?istincti?n, kn?wn ?s A?? Ann?, w?s st?l?n ???m th? c?v?s in th? ???l? 1900s. A?? Ann? w?s ???ss?? in cl?thin? th?t w??l? h?v? ???n w??n ?? ? t?i??l chi??, ?n? h? w?s in ? c???chin? ??siti?n. His m?mmi?i?? ???? w?s c?v???? in int?ic?t?l? ??si?n?? t?tt??s. A?? Ann? is c?nsi????? t? h?v? ???n ? ????t h?nt??, ?n? w?s ??li?v?? t? ?? h?l? h?m?n, h?l? ??it?. Ev?nt??ll?, A?? Ann? w?s ??t??n?? t? th? I??l?i t?i??. Th?? ????tl? ??si??? th? ??t??n ?? A?? Ann?, ??c??s? th?? ??li?v?? th?t his ??s?nc? c??s?? m?n? n?t???l ?is?st??s, incl??in? ???th???k?s, ?????hts, ?is??s?, ?n? ???? h??v?sts.
U??n th? ??t??n ?? A?? Ann?, th? I??l?i ?????i?? th? m?mm? in h???s ?? ??st??in? th? ??l?nc? th?t h?? ???n ?is???t?? ?? his ?is???????nc?. T????, th??? ??? still s?v???l st?l?n K?????n m?mmi?s th?t h?v? n?t ??t ???n ??t??n??, h?w?v?? th? ??t??n ?? A?? Ann? si?n?ls ? ??si?? t? m?int?in th? m?mmi?s in th?i? ?i?ht??l ???i?l l?c?ti?ns.

M?n ?? th? I????? t?i?? in t???iti?n?l c?st?m?. Ph?t? ?? CE?h?t?, Uw? A??n?s / CC-BY-SA-3.0 (Th? I??l?i, I?????, ?n? ?th??s ??? in?i??n??s ????l?s c?ll?ctiv?l? kn?wn ?s I????t.)
Th???t?n?? ?? ??th th??t ?n? v?n??lism, th? K?????n m?mmi?s, which h?v? l?st?? th????h s?v???l c?nt??i?s, m?? ?? ?t ?isk ?? ?is???????nc? ?n? ??st??cti?n. B? ??cl??in? th? K?????n c?v?s t? ?? ? ???t?ct?? sit?, ?n? ?? k???in? th? l?c?ti?n ?? s?m? ?? th? m?mmi?s s?c??t, th? c?v?s ?n? th? m?mmi?s m?? ?? ???t?ct?? ???inst ??t??? l??tin? ?n? ??m???s.
Th? K?????n m?mmi?s ??? ? st?ikin? ?x?m?l? ?? th? in??n?it? ?? th? ?nci?nt I??l?i t?i??, ?n? th? ??inst?kin?l? l?n?th? ???c?ss?s th?? w??l? ?? th????h t? t?n? t? th?i? ??c??s??. T? this ???, th? I??l?i t?i?? ??li?v?s th?s? t? ?? s?c??? ???i?l ????n?s.
H?????ll?, c?ntin??? ???t?cti?ns will ?ll?w th? ?isc?v??? ?? ???th?? in???m?ti?n ????t th? ?nci?nt I??l?i t?i?? ?n? th? ?ni??? ?i?? m?mmi?s, whil? ???s??vin? th? s?c??? ??m?ins ?n? th? ????s in which th?? w??? ???n?.
F??t???? im???: K?????n m?mm? ?? th? ?nci?nt I??l?i ????l?, Phili??in?s. T???l?/ Flick?