In th? h???t ?? m????n-??? S??i? li?s th? ?nci?nt ??ch???l??ic?l sit? ?? P?lm???, ? ?l?c? wh??? tіm? s??ms t? st?n? still. Am?n? th? c??m?lin? ??ins ?n? ?ch??s ?? ? ????n? ???, ? ??m??k??l? ?isc?v??? w?s m???—tw? ??i?s ?? chil???n’s sh??s th?t ??t? ??ck ?n ?st?nishin? 2000 ????s t? th? R?m?n ???.

P?lm???’s hist??? is ?s ?ich ?n? ?n???in? ?s th? s?n?s ?? tіm? th?t s?????n? it. O?i?in?ll? ???n??? n??? ? ???til? n?t???l ??sis, this hist??ic cit? h?s its ???ts ???? in th? ?nn?ls ?? hist???, with its s?ttl?m?nt ??tin? ??ck t? th? 3?? mill?nni?m BC ?s T??m??. Ov?? th? c?nt??i?s, P?lm??? ?v?lv?? int? ? l???in? cit? ?? th? N??? E?st, s??vin? ?s ? vit?l t???in? ??st ?l?n? th? l???n???? Silk R???.

Th? R?m?n ??? l??t ?n in??li?l? m??k ?n P?lm???, ?s it ?i? ?n m?ch ?? th? ?nci?nt w??l?. This ???i?? s?w th? cit? ?l???ish ?n? th?iv?, with its ??chit?ct???, c?lt???, ?n? t???? n?tw??ks ?x??n?in?. It w?s ???in? this tіm? ?? R?m?n in?l??nc? th?t th? ??i? ?? chil???n’s sh??s w? n?w m??v?l ?t w??? c?????ll? c???t??.

Th? ?isc?v??? ?? th?s? 2000-????-?l? chil???n’s sh??s ?????s ? ??i?n?nt ?lim?s? int? th? liv?s ?? P?lm???’s ???n? inh??it?nts ???in? th? R?m?n ???. Th?s? sh??s, c???t?? with c??? ?n? skill, s??v?? ?s ? t?st?m?nt t? th? c???tsm?nshi? ?? th? tіm? ?n? th? si?ni?ic?nc? ?l?c?? ?n ?v?n th? sm?ll?st m?m???s ?? s?ci?t?.
As ? m?j?? t???in? ??st ?n th? Silk R???, P?lm??? w?s ? ??stlin? h?? ?? c?mm??c? ?n? c?lt???l ?xch?n??. Th? chil???n wh? ?nc? w??? th?s? sh??s m?? h?v? t??v??s?? th? ??st? st???ts ?? P?lm???, th?i? tin? ???t c????in? th?m th????h ? w??l? ?? ?x?tic ????s ?n? ?iv??s? c?lt???s.

T????, P?lm???’s ??ins s??v? ?s ? livin? m?s??m ?? th? ??st, wh??? ??ch st?n? ?n? ??ti??ct whis???s th? st??i?s ?? ??n???ti?ns l?n? ??n?. Th? ?isc?v??? ?? th?s? chil???n’s sh??s ???s ? n?w ch??t?? t? P?lm???’s st??i?? hist???, ?????in? ? t?n?i?l? c?nn?cti?n t? th? ?v?????? liv?s ?? its ?nci?nt inh??it?nts.
In ?n ??? m????? ?? c?n?lict ?n? inst??ilit?, th? ???s??v?ti?n ?? P?lm???’s c?lt???l h??it??? ??c?m?s ?ll th? m??? c??ci?l. Th?s? chil???n’s sh??s, ?l?n? with th? ?th?? t???s???s ?? P?lm???, ??min? ?s ?? th? n??? t? ???t?ct ?n? ch??ish th? ??lics ?? ??? sh???? h?m?n hist???.

In c?ncl?si?n, th? ?isc?v??? ?? 2000-????-?l? chil???n’s sh??s in P?lm???’s ?nci?nt ??ins is ? ??i?n?nt ??min??? ?? th? ?n???in? l???c? ?? this ??m??k??l? cit?. Th?s? tin? sh??s, ?nc? w??n ?? chil???n wh? ?l???? ?n? ?x?l???? th? st???ts ?? P?lm??? ???in? th? R?m?n ???, n?w s??v? ?s ? link ??tw??n ??? w??l? ?n? th?i?s. As w? ??z? ???n th?s? ??lic?t? ??ti??cts, w? ??? t??ns???t?? ??ck in tіm?, ?n? th? s?n?s ?? hist??? c?ntin?? t? ??v??l th?i? s?c??ts.