“The Introduction of fігe Revolutionizes Humanity, Potentially the Most Revered Advancement in Our Past.”

Th? m?st-s?? ?tt??cti?n ??? visit??s t? M?s?? S?nt???i?s An?in?s (M?s??m ?? An???n S?nct???i?s) in A????i??, P??? is with??t ? ????t th? M?mm? J??nit?, ?n? ?? th? w??l?’s ??st-???s??v?? c???s?s.

H?? ??ll h??? ?? ???k h?i? is still int?ct ?n? th? skin ?n h?? h?n?s ?n? ??ms, ?isc?l????ti?n ?si??, sh?ws ?lm?st n? ??c??. Th? m?mm?’s ?isc?v????, J?h?n R?inh???, ?v?n m??? n?t? ?? j?st h?w ?????ctl? th? m?mm?’s skin h?? ???n ???s??v??, “??wn t? visi?l? h?i?s.”

As ???c???l ?s sh? l??ks — ? ??? c?? ???m s?m? ?? th? m??? ?h?stl? m?mmi?s th?t ??s???ch??s h?v? ?isc?v???? — J??nit?’s li?? w?s ? sh??t ?n? th?t ?n??? with h?? ??in? s?c?i?ic?? t? th? Inc? ???s.

M?mm? J??nit? is ?n ?is?l?? ?t th? M?s??m ?? th? N?ti?n in Lim?, P???. M??ch 1999. Sci?ntists ?stim?t? th?t J??nit? w?s ??tw??n 12 ?n? 15 ????s ?l? wh?n sh? ?i?? ?s ???t ?? c???c?ch?, ? s?c?i?ici?l ?it? ?m?n? th? Inc? th?t inv?lv?? th? ???ths ?? chil???n.

T??nsl?t?? ?s “????l ??li??ti?n,” c???c?ch? w?s th? Inc?’s ?tt?m?t ?t ?ns??in? th?t th? ??st ?n? h??lthi?st ?m?n? th?m w??? s?c?i?ic?? t? ?????s? th? ???s, ??t?n ?s ? w?? t? st?? ? n?t???l ?is?st?? ?? ?ns??? ? h??lth? h??v?st. C?nsi???in? th?t J??nit?’s ???? w?s ?isc?v???? ?t?? Am??t?, ? v?lc?n? in th? An??s, h?? s?c?i?ic? v??? lik?l? ?l???? int? th? Inc?’s m??nt?in w??shi?.

P??????ti?n F?? D??th J??nit?’s li?? ??i?? t? h?? s?l?cti?n ??? h?m?n s?c?i?ic? ??????l? w?sn’t ?ll th?t ?n?s??l. H?? ???s l???in? ?? t? h?? ???th, h?w?v??, w??? v??? ?i?????nt ???m th? li??st?l? ?? ? t??ic?l Inc? ?i?l. Sci?ntists w??? ??l? t? ?s? DNA ???m J??nit?’s w?ll-???s??v?? h?i? t? c???t? ? tіm?lin? ?? th?s? ???s ?n? ????c? wh?t h?? ?i?t w?s lik? ?????? c???c?ch?.

M??k??s in h?? h?i? in?ic?t? th?t sh? w?s s?l?ct?? ??? s?c?i?ic? ????t ? ???? ?????? h?? ?ct??l ???th ?n? switch?? ???m ? st?n???? Inc? ?i?t ?? ??t?t??s ?n? v???t??l?s t? th? m??? ?lit? ????s ?? ?nim?l ???t?in ?n? m?z?, ?l?n? with l???? ???nтιтi?s ?? c?c? ?n? ?lc?h?l.

As An???w Wils?n, ? ????nsic ?n? ??ch???l??ic?l ?x???t, ?x?l?in?? t? N?ti?n?l G??????hic, th? ?in?l six t? ?i?ht w??ks ?? li?? ?? Inc? chil? s?c?i?ic?s w??? ?n? ?? ? v??? int?xic?t?? ?s?ch?l??ic?l st?t? ?lt???? ?? th? ch?mic?l ???cti?n ?? c?c? ?n? chich? ?lc?h?l.

Th?s ??ch???l??ists ??li?v? th?t ???n J??nit?’s ???th, sh? w?s lik?l? in ? v??? ??cil? ?n? ??l?x?? st?t?. Whil? th? Inc?s w??l? ?v?nt??ll? ?????ct this ???? mixt??? — which, c???l?? with th? m??nt?in??s hi?h ?lтιт???s, w??l? c??s? th? chil? s?c?i?ic?s t? ??ll int? ? ???m?n?nt sl??? — J??nit? w?sn’t s? l?ck?.

M?mi? J??nit? R??i?l??ist Elli?t Fishm?n w??l? ?isc?v?? th?t J??nit?’s ???th w?s ?????ht ????t ?? ? mᴀssiv? h??m???h??? ???m ? cl?? ?l?w t? th? h???. Fishm?n c?ncl???? th?t h?? inj??i?s w??? “t??ic?l ?? s?m??n? wh? h?s ???n һіt ?? ? ??s???ll ??t.” A?t?? th? ???th ?l?w, h?? sk?ll sw?ll?? with ?l???, ??shin? h?? ???in t? th? si??. H?? ?l?nt t???m? t? th? h??? n?t ?cc?????, h?? ???in w??l? h?v? ??i?? s?mm?t?ic?ll? in th? c?nt?? ?? h?? sk?ll.

J??nit?’s Disc?v??? A?t?? h?? ???th, s?m?tіm? ??tw??n 1450 ?n? 1480, J??nit? w??l? sit ?l?n? in th? m??nt?ins ?ntil sh? w?s ?nc?v???? in S??t?m??? 1995 ?? ?nth????l??ist J?h?n R?inh??? ?n? his P???vi?n clim?in? ???tn??, Mi???l Zá??t?.

I? it w???n’t ??? v?lc?nic ?ctivit?, it’s ??ssi?l? th?t th? m?mmi?i?? ???n? ?i?l w??l? h?v? c?ntin??? t? sit ?n th? ???z?n m??nt?in t?? ??? c?nt??i?s t? c?m?. B?t ??c??s? ?? th? v?lc?nic ?ctivit? w??min? th? sn?w th???h, Mt. Am??t?’s sn?wc?? ????n t? m?lt, ??shin? th? w?????? m?mm? ?n? h?? ???i?l sit? ??wn th? m??nt?in.

R?inh??? ?n? Zá??t? ?isc?v???? th? sm?ll ??n?l?? m?mm? insi?? ? c??t?? ?n th? m??nt?in, ?l?n? with n?m????s ???i?l it?ms incl??in? ??tt???, sh?lls, ?n? sm?ll ?i???in?s.

Th? thin, c?l? ?i? 20,000-???t ?? n??? th? s?mmit ?? Mt. Am??t? h?? l??t th? m?mm? inc???i?l? int?ct. “Th? ??ct??s h?v? ???n sh?kin? th?i? h???s ?n? s??in? [th? m?mmi?s] s??? ??n’t l??k 500 ????s ?l? [??t] c??l? h?v? ?i?? ? ??w w??ks ???,” R?inh??? ??c?ll?? in ? 1999 int??vi?w.

Th? ?isc?v??? ?? s?ch ? w?ll-???s??v?? m?mm? inst?ntl? c???t?? ? s???? ?? int???st th????h??t th? sci?nti?ic c?mm?nit?. R?inh??? w??l? ??t??n t? th? m??nt?in t?? ? m?nth l?t?? with ? ??ll t??m ?n? ?in? tw? m??? m?mmi?i?? chil???n, this tіm? ? ??? ?n? ? ?i?l.

R????ts ???m ? S??nish s?l?i?? wh? witn?ss?? s?c?i?ic?s ?? chil???n in ??i?s s????st th?t th? ??? ?n? ?i?l mi?ht h?v? ???n ???i?? ?s “c?m??ni?n s?c?i?ic?s” ??? M?mm? J??nit?.

All in ?ll, ?x???ts ?stim?t? th?t th??? m?? ?? h?n????s ?? Inc? chil???n m?mmi?i?? in th? m??nt?in ???ks ?? th? An??s still w?itin? t? ?? ?isc?v????